Friday, January 28, 2011

one happy Morgan, one sad puppy

If you cannot tell me this is one of the cutest puppies you have ever seen, you have no heart. My dear, sweet Hayes promised me a look-alike of this exact teacup pomeranian after I no longer live in dorms.  Let's just say this made for one very happy Morgan.

AND this is the sad puppy (Lucy) after I told her about her new future friend (Lilly). 

I'm not sure if she's upset that I will have another snuggle bunny, or if it's the similar name.  Let's just say she was NOT happy at all.  Poor Lucy Belle.

Friday Fill-In

Sorry for the past week and my being MIA.... I've been sick *cough, cough.*  Dear flu-like sickness, PLEASE go away.  You are not, I repeat, NOT, welcome any longer. 

So due to my illness this week, there has been absolutely NOTHING going on... Oh, yeah, except I missed my very last bleacher mania at Ponder High.... *tear.*  I missed seeing my little sister dance for the very last time.  Hopefully I can get my hands on a video of the little sis shaking her booty in front of the entire school.  Oooooh yessss.

I know I have completely bored you all to death, however, having the influenza is not very exciting.  Hopefully you have a better Friday Fill-In!  Grab the button & fill us in!

***AND I PROMISE to bounce back with a much more exciting post later on!

Happy Friday! :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Friday Faves!

I know it is not quite Friday... I'm a few hours early.  Just go with it... I'm extremely ready for the "f" word.  Thank goodness for Fridays.  They give us something to look forward to over the long and exhausting week.  Without the build-up to Fridays, we would have no bridge to connect us from the week, to the oh so popular weekEND.  With this being said, here is my new tribute to Fridays.

Helloooooo "Friday Fill-In."

1. My new college Government book, I just paid a fortune for. I know this is a weird "fave," but who has 2 thumbs and wants to go to law school? This girl. So of course I love it.

2. Making my future college softball career official last Saturday. Yes, I finally signed my National Letter of Intent to Western Texas College. Yay :) happiness for Morgan!

3. Fist Pump Friday. Check out Today's Letters for details! :)

4. Best Friends who do BIG things. Congrats to my home girl Kaiti Robinson for her Reserve Grand Champion steer at the National Western. That's my girl!! :)

5. This happens to be favorite number... and my jersey number next year. Go Lady Westerners :)

6. 1st day of softball practice today! This marks the first of the last. Bittersweet-ness my friends, bittersweet-ness.

7. Bibles that remarkably recover on Wednesday- after being dropped in water... aka the toilet. Not on purpose, and NO, I was not reading while taking care of business. It just happened. I don't know how, but that's not the important. 

8. New Friends that officially met last Saturday. Aka the new roomie :)
9. Fabulous weekends with people you love. Multiple fist-pumps for my family & Hayes. You guys made last weekend wonderful.

10.  8:45am classes (mon-fri.) Better than 7:55am! Smiles for sleeping in late(ish) :)

What are some of your favorite things about FRIDAYS?
Grab the button & fill us in! :)

Moments with Morgan

Happy Weekend Y'all!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

thank God for pig pens

Today, my little sister Sage & I had an adventurous day shopping in Highland Village. Tons of fun, OHHHH YES! However, as fun as it was, having a gps that takes you completely OUT OF THE WAY of where you are going, is very frustrating. And to top that off.... we had dirty pig pens waiting to be cleaned when we returned home. Today though, I learned a lesson.... Thank God for dirty pig pens.

So this is how the story goes:

My family shows pigs (we also show cattle- I prefer showing steers over pigs, but that's a completely different story for another day!). For those of you that don't know what "showing pigs" means, we basically travel across the state and country going to pig shows, to prove that WE have the best show hogs. Ha ha ha- no, but really :) Not only is it mucho fun, it teaches you many life lessons along the way.

Sage and I had a fabulous day together, doing some much needed shopping and bonding time. When we got home we drove to the pig barn to tackle the very unglamorous job of cleaning pig pens. We were talking, lauging, trying to make the best of the smelly (literally) situation, when we started talking about next year when I will be in college. Then I said, "looks like you're gonna be cleaning next year all alone!" She smirked and continued on. A few minutes later I realized she had quit talking and wouldn't look up. I decided to leave it alone and assumed she was just deep in thought. But after a few more minutes passed I asked her what was wrong. She looked up at me and was crying... She told me she was sad about me moving and that things would be weird. My heart instantly melted.

People that know me, may not know that those moments when I am COMPLETELY zoned out, not talking, and looking into space, I am praying. After I reasurred my little sister things would be OK, and that I wasn't going to be gone forever, I had one of "those" moments. I immediately thanked God for this young girl with such a sweet spirit, and I asked him to keep us strong in the time of my moving forward in life.

Today I realized, although cleaning pig pens may not be the most fashionable way to pass the time, it is a way to realize how much you love your little sister, how lucky you are to have her, and a good time to thank the Lord for her.

So thank God for PIG PENS. :)

On another note:
today is a big day--


I won't tell how old she is today, because even though she's not that old, she'll kill me. So let's just leave it at Happy Birthday, Mom! You're fab.

Friday, January 7, 2011

thoughts on friendship.

This post is dedicated to... one of my most loyal, trustworthy, loving, kind-hearted, bestfriends....OH, SUSANA!

Here she is fellow followers: one of MY bestfriends, Susan!


One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
-Proverbs 18:24 
Now let me share a little bit about this amazing girl. She has strong faith in the Lord and has tought me many things. Together we have accomplished much. We have SURVIVED high school (so far) and take on battles together. Recently, she has carried the burden of a much larger battle that her family has been fighting. However, she has stayed true and strong, and has proved that having a strong faith in God will help you in the end. Prayers have been answered and the unthinkable has happened. Yay for God answering prayers... and this girl :)
ps. visit her blog here! It is wonderful, and you will love it just as much as I do! :)

~So I encourage you all to call up and let YOUR bestfriends, how much you truly appreciate their friendship.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Two can keep a secret, if one of them is dead...

I am slightly in love with reality shows (Jersey Shore & Jerseylicious make their way to numero uno) & dramatic TV series... I know, I know, stupid drama. However, I would MUCH rather watch stupid drama on TV rather than partake in real life! So this brings me to guilty pleasure #1:


The Season Premiere is tonight at 7:58pm on ABC Family. 

If you have NOT already jumped on the PLL bandwagon, I highly recommend that you do! It brings the element of mystery to the real teenage life! Plus the fashion statements are killer & I look toward Ari (the girl in the middle at the bottom!) for new quirky fashion tips!

So sit back, relax, & indulge in this guilty pleasure :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ta-Da! It's...

Yay for another fabulous year, that went by in the blink of an eye!  I wish I had some wise philosophy to share about the things I learned this year, however, I am at a loss for words.  It was just down right amazing.... BUT, I am looking forward to having the best year (of my 18 year old life.) in 2011... With graduation, moving to Snyder, COLLEGE, & college softball, new challenges will be faced.... I'm ready! :)

I know I'm  a tad bit late, but I'm sending out 2010 with my favorite photos of the year!  So long 2010, you will be missed, but I'm ready for change.  Hello 2011!


Ta-Da! A brand new year! :)

Happy New Year's, everyone!

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