Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Lions Will Never Sleep.

Wow followers.  It's been two months.  My computer was extremely sick with a deadly virus.... but with a little help from the computer Doc, she's all better now!

So much has happened within the last two months.  Catching up is a must.

My state-bound softball team was devastated in an upset loss against Callisburg in the Regional Quarterfinals.  It was a shocking way to end my softball career at Ponder High School, however it made me realize how precious my time with the wonderful girls on my team was.  I would not trade the memories made for all of the gold in the world.  These girls had more heart, dedication, and love for each other than I have ever experienced.  It was truly a blessing, and God granted me four AMAZING years with an AMAZING team.

I want each and every girl I have played with to know that they each have a special place in my heart.  They are each special in their own way, and they are my HEROS.  AND contrary to what the Denton Record Chronicle article stated, "The Lions Now Sleep..."
... These Lions will NEVER sleep.

Even though this chapter in my softball career is now over, this will always be my team.  This is the team where tears were shed, smiles were shared, lives were touched, and inspiration was created

Lady Lion Softball 2007-2011

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