Thursday, August 4, 2011

It's Ok Thursday

Today, I'm linking up with Neely from, A Complete Waste of Makeup, for "It's Ok Thursday!"

 In the words of Neely, "Its Ok Thursdays a blog hope where you can justify the weird, normal and awesome things you do cause ITS OK!" We all have a few quirks about ourselves that we deem "weird..." but hey, It's Ok... It's Thursday! 

It's ok...

To lay in bed at 9:30 and wish you could stay there all day.

To carry a 1 liter bottle of water around like a baby.

To wear a swimsuit top that does not match the bottoms you are sporting.

To carry your new MacBook Air around in your purse like a total geek. 
(this thing is so incredibly small! it's the bomb-digity.)

To wear a Texas Tech Football shirt to sleep in, while on an Oklahoma State Football trip.

To have goose bumps when everyone else is burning hot.

To want to throw your phone at the wall across the room to acquire a new one. Preferably the iPhone or HTC Inspire.

To leave one nail un-polished because it is always messed up anyways.

To want a McDonald's happy meal for breakfast.

To highlight funny/important/meaningful/silly/awesome things you want to remember in books.

To honestly think that you will one day marry Justin Bieber.

To make weird eye contact with a middle-aged, frat daddy wanna-be, in the hotel lobby... and kind of be freaked out.

To look at every boat at BassProShop and want each. and. every. one.

To imagine in your mind, the place you want to go on your honeymoon. Even though you are nowhere near getting married. 

To stay up until 2 in the morning, by yourself, watching ESPN highlights... even if you are a girl.

To want Starbucks constantly.

To love Taylor Swift and sing every song at the top of your lungs.

Hey, it's ok!

Happy Thursday! 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

AWE to the SOME.

Dear O.P.I. Make Mine Lime polish, your gorgeous green shimmer is perfect for sweet summertime. Dear Hayes Weston Hall, I blame you for the collection of water bottles on my dresser, in my car, and on my night stand. After a weekend with you, I feel the need to drink water from a bottle constantly. However, I prefer the cute little tiny bottles so my bladder does not burst. Thanks love bug, for the addiction. Dear Crazy Love book, you overwhelm me. I have never experienced the feelings you give me. God's love is mind blowing. You are changing my life! Dear Canal Boat Driver in OKC, I apprectiate the fact that you know EXACTLY where Ponder, Justin, and Krum are... and that you ride the train by my house. Dear MTV, your zombie commercial that always comes on disgusts me! Go away. Dear Roommate, 15 days. Oh, and I bought our shower curtain today. Dear Little Sister, I'll be home soon. Then it's our "recorded" shark week. Prepare yourself homegirl. Dear Lawrence Hall Chevrolet Truck, I saw you today in OKC. You came from Anson. Not only does that excite me (AWE to the SOME), it still weirds me out. You are a long way from home little buddy. Dear Hotel Bed, you are calling my name!


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