Today, my little sister Sage & I had an adventurous day shopping in Highland Village. Tons of fun, OHHHH YES! However, as fun as it was, having a gps that takes you completely OUT OF THE WAY of where you are going, is very frustrating. And to top that off.... we had dirty pig pens waiting to be cleaned when we returned home. Today though, I learned a lesson.... Thank God for dirty pig pens.
So this is how the story goes:
My family shows pigs (we also show cattle- I prefer showing steers over pigs, but that's a completely different story for another day!). For those of you that don't know what "showing pigs" means, we basically travel across the state and country going to pig shows, to prove that WE have the best show hogs. Ha ha ha- no, but really :) Not only is it mucho fun, it teaches you many life lessons along the way.

Sage and I had a fabulous day together, doing some much needed shopping and bonding time. When we got home we drove to the pig barn to tackle the very unglamorous job of cleaning pig pens. We were talking, lauging, trying to make the best of the smelly (literally) situation, when we started talking about next year when I will be in college. Then I said, "looks like you're gonna be cleaning next year all alone!" She smirked and continued on. A few minutes later I realized she had quit talking and wouldn't look up. I decided to leave it alone and assumed she was just deep in thought. But after a few more minutes passed I asked her what was wrong. She looked up at me and was crying... She told me she was sad about me moving and that things would be weird. My heart instantly melted.
People that know me, may not know that those moments when I am COMPLETELY zoned out, not talking, and looking into space, I am praying. After I reasurred my little sister things would be OK, and that I wasn't going to be gone forever, I had one of "those" moments. I immediately thanked God for this young girl with such a sweet spirit, and I asked him to keep us strong in the time of my moving forward in life.
Today I realized, although cleaning pig pens may not be the most fashionable way to pass the time, it is a way to realize how much you love your little sister, how lucky you are to have her, and a good time to thank the Lord for her.
So thank God for PIG PENS. :)
On another note:
today is a big day--
I won't tell how old she is today, because even though she's not that old, she'll kill me. So let's just leave it at Happy Birthday, Mom! You're fab.